By INNOCENT, Uchenna D.

As we celebrate 52 Years of independence, we have had expectations from our government as youths, but it seems like we have only had a trend of failing leadership, leaders who are believed to show and lay the examples that we the growing youth should emulate, but we are faced with Mismanagement, misappropriation and misuse of power, position and public funds. With all the "Mises" how would we not be misled?

We are stuck in the mud of oppression from a leadership which has corroded the minds of we the youths with corruption. The youths are the leaders of tomorrow, they say, but would we do differently? Since its a law of nature that 'all things must produce according to its kind.'

 For decades we have been asking, when will they (The leaders) get it right? We keep complaining of corruption and bad governance. How can it be right, when our minds are corrupt? How can it be right, when we allow the degradation of the nation to influence our action?

Arise! O compatriots, for the change you seek begins with you. Arise! O compatriots, it is time we stop crying over spilt milk and learn to milk the cow ourselves. Let us forget that our leaders have defaulted by their actions and in-actions which has brought our great nation Nigeria to its knees, but remember it is up to us-The youths, to take the right actions and make the right decisions that will put our nation back on track, to the point where it ought to be.

This is a call to you and me, the young at heart "Arise! O compatriots Nigeria call obey, to serve our Fatherland, with love and strength and faith" It is a call for leaders with a difference! Do you hear the call? Choose to make a difference!

-Ferdinand Marcos.

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